Mission & Outreach at First UMC is rooted in God's mission of healing the world. As a church, we are sent out each week in order to be the hands and feet of Christ to a world in need of hope and unconditional love. Join us as we seek to care for the marginalized and the oppressed through embodied service, material goods, and speaking truth to power in love. 


The annual Diaper/Baby Wipes collection to benefit Communities Together, Inc. is held from Ash Wednesday (March 5) through Easter (April 20). You can bring your items to church any time. We will also have a Pop Your Trunk collection on Saturday, April 5 from 10-12 in the parking lot - invite your friends to help out! Details of what is needed may be found in the newsletter contained in this website.

On fifth Saturdays we prepare sandwich meals for Bread & Roses, and the next one will be March 29 from 9-11 in our kitchen. All are welcome to help out; please sign up in church beginning March 9 or email the office at 1fumcna@gmail.com if you’d like to help.

There will be a special offering on March 30 for UMCOR Sunday, which helps undergird the ministries of recovery and resettlement following disasters through the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Envelopes will be available in church or you can donate through our “Giving” link.

Featured organizations we partner with:

Bread & Roses is a soup kitchen in our neighboring town, Lawrence, MA. Our team provides a full meal every fifth Saturday.www.breadandroseslawrence.org

Bread & Roses is a soup kitchen in our neighboring town, Lawrence, MA. Our team provides a full meal every fifth Saturday.


Fina House is a housing opportunity for women who are survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. Our church provides handmade blankets and scarfs for families in residence.www.ywcalawrence.org

Fina House is a housing opportunity for women who are survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. Our church provides handmade blankets and scarfs for families in residence.


Communities Together is a collaboration of churches in the Lawrence Metro area. Our parishioners are active in supplying materials for their underwear and diaper drive.www.communitiestogetherinc.org 

Communities Together is a collaboration of churches in the Lawrence Metro area. Our parishioners are active in supplying materials for their underwear and diaper drive.




Other organizations