Ministry Programs

First UMC has a variety of options for you to connect with in ministry—some are more formal groups, others more informal.


Music ministry

The music ministry at First UMC plays music from multiple genres: traditional hymnody, global song, contemporary worship music, and more. Do you sing? Play an instrument? Please come and share your gifts with us. The choir rehearses every Sunday morning at 9:30 in the sanctuary and all are welcome to participate.


Christian Education

The purpose of Christian Education at First United Methodist Church of North Andover is to provide an opportunity to: experience the transforming love of God as shown through the life and teachings of Jesus; learn within an environment of trust and mutual respect where tradition, experience, scripture and reason are share; challenge our beliefs openly and honestly; grow in our faith; and decide how to live faithfully.

YOUTH CHRISTIAN ED has been meeting on Sundays at 9:00a.m. on the first, third and fifth Sundays except for holidays and during the summer. However, class is temporarily suspended due to class size. Contact the office or call or text Carrie at 617-257-1789 for more information or if you would be interested in participating, as we will be glad to resume the class if there are more students.