Who We Are
We are a United Methodist worshiping community that proudly proclaims God's generous welcome to ALL people. Through our shared practices of faith, we seek to embody the way of Jesus in North Andover and the world, loving God and neighbor, and growing in holiness. Do we always get it right? No. Are we the perfect Christians? Definitely not. But we do see the immense value of community, of worship, of mission, of outreach—things that unite us in the saving love and abundant grace of Jesus Christ. We are sinners, saints, believers, and questioners, welcomed by God and each other every week. Join us on Sundays at 10:30am, participate in one of our small groups, and walk this journey with us! Or join us online via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84390216459 or dial 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 843 9021 6459
When We Worship
Sundays at 10:30am
Location: Sanctuary (straight through our center doors)
Christian Education for YOUTH HAS BEEN TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED (see below)
Children under 5 years old and infants: We provide childcare during the worship service in the playroom on Level 2. Follow the signs in the Lobby or ask a greeter.
We will gladly offer Christian Education for Youth (teenagers)on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays at 9:00 a.m. if there are enough students. Please call or text Carrie at 617-257-1780 if you or your son/daughter would like to participate.
What to Expect
Whether this is your first time in a church building or you are a long time Christian who's checking us out, entering a new space can be uncomfortable. The good news it that we'll try to make it as hospitable as possible! First of all, there's no particular dress code: most of our folks dress in causal or business casual attire. When you walk in, you can expect to be greeted by one of our greeters, handed a bulletin, and invited to sit wherever you'd like. Our service consists of prayer, singing, listening to scripture, hearing a sermon (about 12-15 minutes), and being sent out into the world with a blessing. On the first Sunday of every month, we celebrate the Lord's Supper (the Eucharist), which is a table open to ALL people, regardless of denominational tradition or "insider/outsider" status. We receive by intinction (i.e. dipping a piece of bread into a chalice of grape juice) and offer gluten-free alternatives. After the service, we have coffee, tea, and snacks. This is a great time to meet some of our members and regular attenders and learn more about the church.
What We Believe
We are a congregation of The United Methodist Church. Click here for specifics on United Methodist beliefs and practices.
Directions and Accessibility
We are located at 57 Peters Street, North Andover, MA, 01845. Our parking lot is directly across the street from Panera Bread Company. We are wheelchair-accessible. For those who are hearing-impaired, we offer a Sound Mate (TM) Personal Listening System for our services.